Monday, March 2, 2015

ISSUE: Save site as template option missing for publishing sites in SharePoint 2013.

Problem: When you browse to  SharePoint Server Site settings page, you discover that the Save site as template option isn't available.

This issue most frequently occurs because the Community Sites or the SharePoint Server Publishing feature is currently enabled or was previously enabled for the affected site. 

SharePoint doesn’t support creating a template from a site where publishing or community features were enabled. This is because the publishing feature creates site elements that are not supported as part of a template, and these elements remain even when the feature is disabled. This also includes templates that were created through SharePoint Designer.

Even when i tried to navigate to “_layouts/savetmpl.aspx”("Save site as template" page), it is throwing following error.

The "Save site as template" action is not supported on this site.

Here the solution:
After searching on net and i came to know that for publishing site "SaveSiteAsTemplate" is disabled.

Now how to enable this option.

Below are the steps to resolve this issue.

1. Open you Team Site in SharePoint Designer 2013.

2. In SharePoint Designer, under Sites tab select "Site Options".

3. Find "SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled" in Site Properties.

4. Next change this setting to "true".

5. Now in your Publishing site navigate to "http://<site name>/_layouts/15/savetmpl.aspx" and you would see the old Save Site as Template Page as expected.

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