Sunday, December 16, 2012

Error Type: The farm is being upgraded in the timer service process. The task is 10% completed.

I am trying to enable the Enterprise Features in SharePoint 2010.  I have turned on the setting in Central Admin and I have run the PSConfig.exe command to set the upgrade going.
The psconfig command runs but stalls at the following message "The farm is being upgraded in the timer service process. The task is 10% completed."

And Log file shows as

PSCONFIG] [SPManager] [INFO] [12/8/2012 5:11:10 AM]: psconfig: Spawing off the upgrade job
[PSCONFIG] [SPManager] [DEBUG] [12/8/2012 5:11:10 AM]: Creating exclusive upgrade reg key

I have tried stopping and restarting the SharePoint 2010 Product Configuration wizard. But no use.

Then finally i got solved it after spending 8 hours.

Here the steps to solve the error,

Step 1: I found with regedit that WSS_ADMIN_WPG and WSS_WPG's permission for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0\Secure" registry was somehow lost. I granted permission as described in post.

i. open run command and enter "regedit".
 and go to the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0\Secure"
ii. and set WSS_ADMIN_WPG and WSS_WPG's permission for that registry.

Step 2: Clear PSConfig file's cache using the following batch file.
just download the following bat file from the following location and run it. Download here.

Step 3: Now run the following command
"PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures"

Thats its.. enjoy....

and reference are here


  1. Thank you Uday... It really helped me

  2. Perfect ... it's worked with mw. Thanks again

  3. THX! Solved my Problem.

  4. Thank you very much!!
