In this article we will see
1. How to get all managed paths
2. How to create managed path
3. How to delete defined managed path
1.Get all managed paths in a web application:
a. Click On the Start menu, click All Programs.
b. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
c. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
Type the following command.
Get-SPManagedPath -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
and press enter.
2. Create managed path in a web application :
Now type the following command.
New-SPManagedPath "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
and press enter.
Now we can use get all managedpaths command to see all existing managed paths in a web application.
3. Delete managed path in a web application:
we can also delete managed path in a web application using the following command,
Remove-SPManagedPath -Identity "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
The above command will promt a message, asking end user confirmation to delete managed path.
if u dont want to prompt confirmation message use the following command.
Remove-SPManagedPath -Identity "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998 -Confirm:$false
1. How to get all managed paths
2. How to create managed path
3. How to delete defined managed path
1.Get all managed paths in a web application:
a. Click On the Start menu, click All Programs.
b. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
c. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
Type the following command.
Get-SPManagedPath -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
and press enter.
2. Create managed path in a web application :
Now type the following command.
New-SPManagedPath "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
and press enter.
Now we can use get all managedpaths command to see all existing managed paths in a web application.
3. Delete managed path in a web application:
we can also delete managed path in a web application using the following command,
Remove-SPManagedPath -Identity "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998
The above command will promt a message, asking end user confirmation to delete managed path.
if u dont want to prompt confirmation message use the following command.
Remove-SPManagedPath -Identity "/newmanagedpath" -WebApplication http://ukreddy:8998 -Confirm:$false
Nice post. Here is the one more post explaining Managed path in Sharepoint