Friday, February 26, 2016

Error Type: The type or namespace name 'LayoutsPageBase' could not be found

Hi Guys,

Today i want to share about one common error in SharePoint is "The type or namespace name 'LayoutsPageBase' could not be found".

This error occurs while we working on creating application page in visual studio.

The reason for this error is when we try to create application page in sandbox solution it will throw this error. As we know that we can create application as form solution only but not in sandbox solution.

Hence, now change the Sandbox solution property value to "False" and try to compile and deploy it.

Friday, February 5, 2016

News ticker in SharePoint with AngularJS/RestAPI - Part 2

Hi all,

In my previous blog, have shown how to use news ticker in a page/master page.

Now i want to show one more type of active news ticker

Here the steps.

1. Create custom list named as "News" with two columns i.e. PageURL, HeadLines, IsActive.

2. Add few items to the list.

3. Now we want to show only active news headlines so we are changing RestAPI call as below,

var restUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl+"/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listTitle + "')/items?$filter=isActive eq 1";

As i told in the previous we can use the below snippet in a page or in master page.

Here the code snippet.

Here the final output..

Here the complete source code.

News ticker with AngularJS/RestAPI in SharePoint

Hi all,

In this post, i want to show you how to add news ticker in SharePoint with AngularJS/RESTApi.

Here the steps:

1. Create custom list named as "News" with two columns i.e. PageURL, NewsBody.

2. Add few items to the list.

3. Now upload required javascript/css files named as
    a. modern-ticker.css
    b. theme.css
    c. jquery-1.11.0.min.js
    d. angular.min.js

4. Here am adding new page to show the news ticker and you may can add this snippet in your master page.

Here the complete code snippet for new ticker,

Here the final Output:

Here the complete source code.