Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to check in all checked out files in a SharePoint list using Power shell


I have a SharePoint list which has having more than 10 folder and many sub folder in side each folder.

Again each have subfolders and document. Most of the documents are checked out.

Now i need to check in all the checked out files its big task for me to going to each document and checkin and it will takes me days.

I was searching for any other alternatives, so using content structure i can check in multiple documents at a time but i can do it at folder level. Again it will takes more time to check in all the files.

Now, again started searching for another alternative and came up with powershell script.

I got the script and am sharing that script.

*****************************Start of  Script **********************************


$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://uday:43662")

$root = $site.allwebs[0]

$folder = $root.GetFolder("Shared Documents")


# Function Set-CheckInFolderItems is a recursive function

# that will CheckIn all items in a list recursively


function Set-CheckInFolderItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder]$folder)


    # Create query object

    $query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery

     $query.Folder = $folder
    # Get SPWeb object

    $web = $folder.ParentWeb
    # Get SPList

    $list = $web.Lists[$folder.ParentListId]

    # Get a collection of items in the specified $folder

    $itemCollection = $list.GetItems($query)

    # If the folder is the root of the list, display information

    if ($folder.ParentListID -ne $folder.ParentFolder.ParentListID)

         Write-Host("Recursively checking in all files in " + $folder.Name)

    # Iterate through each item in the $folder

    foreach ($item in $itemCollection)


        # If the item is a folder

        if ($item.Folder -ne $null)


            # Write the Subfolder information

            Write-Host("Folder: " + $item.Name + " Parent Folder: " + $folder.Name)

            # Call the Get-Items function recursively for the found sub-solder

            Set-CheckInFolderItems $item.Folder


        # If the item is not a folder

        if ($item.Folder -eq $null)


            if ($item.File.CheckOutType -ne "None")


                if ($item.File.Versions.Count -eq 0)


                    # Check in the file

Write-Host "Check in File: "$item.Name" Version count " $item.File.Versions.Count -foregroundcolor Green

                    $item.File.CheckIn("Bulk check in By Administrator")






    $web = $null


Set-CheckInFolderItems $folder

******************************  End of Script *************************************

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